
Our Story

We are crazy about fruit.

Not that leftover, melon-happy sadness in plastic cups at your local grocery chain. And definitely not those pop-top tin cans of preservative-rich, bunker fruit for the inevitable zombie apocalypse. The frozen bags in aisle 14? Really? They were fresh only 3 years ago!

X2 Cool Shit

After years of let downs from the local fruit scene, we decided to backpack the world and experience the best that fruit has to offer. From picking maracuyas in Brazil to juicing pomelos in Phuket. We did it all. After a few dozen mosquito bites and 3.5 break ups (it’s complicated), we realized we’re missing out on a major food group back home. So we took all the learnings (and the house fund) to create Dice.

With months of R&D, quality ingredients, and unique pairings, we create brand new ways to eat your fruit (just like mama said). Superfruits paired with superfoods. No capes. Healthy AF without tasting boring AF. But hey, we’re not all about health either. We’re 80% healthy, 20% indulgent. 100% fruit forward. And of course, everything we do is served up in compostable packaging and reusable jars because #theresnoplanetB!


It’s a big world out there. Be part of ours. Fruitarian. Flexitarian. Humanitarian. You’re all welcome.